Create Your Own Furry Avatar

'Monster Avatar Maker' provides you all the tools that you can use to Create Monster Girl and Any such character and look fangtastic. If you love anime, anima, manga, mintmanga, fan fiction, anime chibi, aliens and anything related ot anime world then Furry Maker should be your pick. No 1 Anime & Magical Girl Dress Up Game. Monster Girls and Pastel Avatar Create your own girl for monster high.

  1. Create Your Own Furry Avatar Maker Online
  2. Create Your Own Furry Avatar
  3. Free Create Your Own Furry Avatar Simulator

This includes: - Avatar/icons (youtube, twitch, discord, whereever. Even if your channel is monetized, it's fine, really!) - Placeholders (if you're using them on a personal project, or for roleplay) - Memes, compilations, edits, servers As long as you're literally not selling the image or claiming it as your own, you're fine. The Character Creator - Build visually stunning avatars.

A fursona or ‘sona’ as previously described in an earlier post is a character that represents yourself online, kind of like an avatar. Some of us make ours into fursuits, others use them as our mascots or logos (for example Enzo, mascot of the British suit maker Faruku Costumes or Matrices the mascot for the famous suit maker/tip giver of the same name in the community!). Even those of us who use our character as a logo often have art or fursuits of those characters (see my own personal example of Hex here and here)!

Important questions to answer before I move on to how to make one:

Can I have more than one?

Sure! There’s no limits! Some people, myself included, have gone through several before finding the one we felt suited us best! Even then you can have more than one at a time!

I don’t like X aspect of my fursona, can I change it?

Sure, designs and ideas adapt and change all the time! When I first started out with Riptide, he had five horizontal red stripes on his face. When I got his suit headbase from Maibey / KCCostumes, I realised his snout would be much too small to assemble all five on. By that point, I had also realised many artists designed him with only three stripes as depicted below!

What’s the difference between an OC and a fursona?


Just a title to be fair. Although some people make a distinction that a fursona is the “truest” representation of themselves and that their OCs are other characters they just liked, or fursonas they lost interest/connection with. Other terms can be “primary” and “secondary” fursonas, the majority of the art is usually found under the primary fursonas and the secondaries are adopts they just liked, other character designs or retired primaries.

Do all furries have fursonas?

Nope! Some people use animal logos online – doesn’t make them a furry either!

I like a species or have/want to have one that is ‘closed’ or has rules, how does this affect my design ideas?

I’ll go into more detail later on the topic of closed/open species, but something important to note is this – some of these species are copyright protected, others are community enforced rules. There’s nothing from stopping you from making a fursona that breaks those community rules (NOT copyright) but be warned that the community won’t be best pleased!

OK! So, how does one go about getting a fursona of their own?

Well, there’s a few ways!

1. You design the character yourself

2. You commission an artist to design the character for you based on your ideas

3. You purchase a pre-designed adopt/character from an artist/previous owner

So to make your decision logical, let’s think of some questions you need to ask yourself first!

  • Do you have a species/hybrid/creation in mind?

Maybe it’s an animal you just really really like or something you relate to. Maybe you’re a little indecisive and want to mash your favourite critters together!

  • Do you have a colour palette/pattern in mind?

Got a favourite colour? Why not use that? Some people have even made their favourite colour a key aspect of all their main sonas (such as the purple found in Muelin, Lupita and Kyovo – the fursonas of misswolfiee). There’s some great resources online for finding colour palettes if you’re a little indecisive and if you’re stuck for patterns, why not turn to nature or art? Draw inspiration from whatever you love!

  • Do you have artistic skill? Do you want to use a base?

These are certainly important questions to ask! Some of us aren’t blessed with the ability to pick up a pencil and sketch out our visions – for those of us, there are bases! But a base isn’t as personal and unique to you and sometimes costs. Other people may just feel that they lack the flare to be able to get their character perfect!

That’s great! I want to…

Design the Character Myself

Grab yourself a pencil or an art tablet, design what you imagined and test out the colour schemes and patterns you liked and do some experimenting! You may find your pallets looked better in different patterns to how the species occurs naturally or the animal you first imagined isn’t quite right! Keep tweaking! Take your time, test your ideas, come back to it later and continue working! When you’re happy, congratulations you have a fursona!


  • Complete control of the design process
  • Ability to test new ideas
  • Personal design


  • You may find the critter doesn’t look quite right
  • Time Consuming
  • Sometimes an artist’s input can provide what you need to tweak the design

Commission a Design

Best suited if you’ve only got a vague idea, or perhaps a species/colour idea but not much else. You can commission an artist for an individual design, or, much better a reference sheet of your character. There are a couple of considerations to bear in mind –

Create Your Own Furry Avatar Maker Online

1. An artist may not do an individual fullbody or several designs of your character, only a full reference sheet with minimal tweaking – reference sheets can be expensive – averaging between 50 and 150 dollars per design! So you may want to investigate artists and find someone whose style you like ahead of time and start saving!

2. Not all artists work from written descriptions or scrapbook/moodboard style commissions. A lot of artists ONLY work with visual sources (such as an already completed character design) and this is their choice. Other artists may charge a surcharge for working from a description. Why? Well there’s more of a margin for error and imperfection when working from these sources provided by a client – small details missing or incorrectly placed – this can cause additional stress to an artist!

3. I can not stress this enough – DO NOT ASK FOR SHADING ON A REFERENCE PIECE – this is a piece of art intended to hand to other artists to work from when you want them to do a piece for you and it’s easier for colour picking and perfecting design.

4. The artist may never get your design perfect, or your ideas might change in the artistic process – chat with the artist regularly and be reasonable – art is a two-way process!


  • Brilliant if you have an idea on species/colour/palette but no time/skill to work on
  • A personalised piece unique to you
  • Reference sheets act as a perfect piece for other commissions in the future


  • Expensive
  • Requires open communication to be an effective transaction
  • Delays as WIPs are adapted

Buy a premade design/character

You’re flexible, you honestly don’t mind what you get, you just know you’ll find the one for you somewhere. A good place to start is either with an artist you like, or just a general search of a particular species you’re interested in. Don’t rush into these purchases, consider it a bit like window shopping! There’s a few different ways to purchase these particular designs/characters.

Furry doll maker app


Hosted in a variety of places, such as Furaffinity, DeviantArt or on auction sites like Furbuy or the Dealers Den. Take some time to consider what you like and don’t like, what you want in your character and then do some exploring online. Some of these auctions can easily run into the hundreds, so set yourself a clear limit on how much you’re willing to spend.

On sites like FurAffinity, pay close attention to the rules regarding the auction, such as the MI (Minimum Increments) or what the current owner of the character of the design will permit you to do with their once loved character – check their terms are reasonable first. If you’re the winner of the auction, make sure you pay via Paypal via Goods and Services in order to protect you in case you don’t receive all the art/physical items!

Set Price Adopts

These characters are often cute little doodles inspired by things around an artist, or something that they have worked on based on their own interests. As the heading suggests, they often want a set price (usually up to around 50 dollars), when you purchase the design, it’s yours! Often great if you have an idea of species but are completely open to design.

Buying fursuits/pre-existing character designs

These ones can often be the most complex, especially if they involve fursuits. Much like the auctions heading, you must be especially keen-eyed. For example, the individual may not be selling the fursuit as seen – they will either edit it themselves OR require you to edit the design in some way so they can retain their character in some way, or require you to change the name.


  • You can sometimes get a character with an already full gallery
  • Often a chance for unique designs you’d never have considered if left to your own design choice
  • Character is already established in the community


  • Most expensive option in some cases
  • The character / design may be slightly altered before it can be yours
  • Items may come with additional rules enforced by the current owner

There’s plenty more ways to design a fursona, perhaps I’ll do an update in the future, but these are the main ones!

Cover art used with gracious thanks to the artist (ScissorsRunner of FA), I would also like to thank misswolfiee, Matrices and Faruku for allowing me to use them as examples in this piece! Go show them some love!


Adding a virtual reality component to the 3D Second Life chat room style, VRChatis essentially dozens of games rolled into one. Want to build a treehouse with your friends? Cool, no problem. Prefer to serve drinks at a digital lounge while someone blasts music through their mic? Totally doable.

But to do all of that, you're going to need a face. And a body. And that comes in the form of an avatar. While there are some basic starting avatars to pick to represent yourself -- ranging from chibi anime girls to skeleton warriors to hulking robots -- the real draw to VRChat is the ability to create your own custom avatar.

Although the process is complex and requires a little 3D modeling skill, just about anyone can get their own custom avatars built and uploaded to the game in an afternoon following the guide below.

Getting Started Creating Custom VRChat Avatars

We're about to go through a crash course in model creation, and before you can get started building your virtual self, you need to download Unity (yep, that big game development tool everybody uses). Just choose the download assistant link at the top of the list for your specific OS, as that will guide you through downloading the right files you need for Unity.

Besides Unity, you also have to download the SDKfrom the VRChat website. Note that this requires creating a new VRChat account (instead of using your linked Steam account) if you've been logging into the game through Steam.

Don't do anything with the SDK file yet. Instead, open up Unity and start a new project. Choose 3D from the radio buttons, name the project whatever you want (probably something like 'VRChat custom avatar' ..), and then click Create Project.

Starting a new Unity project

Immediately close the project after creating it, then head to the location where you downloaded the SDK file and double-click it (after installing Unity, the SDK should now show a Unity icon).

Now click the name of your project in the menu. In the pop-up window that appears, click Import. All the SDK data will be imported to your blank, custom avatar project automatically. Unless you have a spectacularly beefy computer, expect this process to take several minutes.

Now you have to log into the SDK with your VRChat account info (not your Unity account). Open the VRChat SDK drop-down menu at the top of the screen and choose Settings, then enter your account name and password for VRChat.

Signing into VRChat through Unity

Begin Building A Custom Avatar With A Character Model

Beginners will want to start with a specific character model that's already been created rather than building their own -- and there are plenty of model resources across the web you can import to get started on your VRChat model. Here are a few places to get started:

The Unity Asset Store might be your best bet to get started, as the models there are pre-rigged, meaning they will be the format you need to use right off the bat and you don't need to do anything extra to get their limbs moving properly. There are plenty of free models to browse through there as well, from armored knights to brave shirtless commandos (and yeah, plenty of potential waifus).

If you are using the Asset Store, find a model you want and choose Download, and then click Open In Unity to automatically add it to your project. The same download screen on your browser will appear in the center Game window in Unity. From there, click Download again, and then choose Import in the pop-up menu to put all the model's data in your project.

If you are using a model from some other source besides the Unity Store, instead open the Assets menu at the top and then choose Import New Asset. From there, select the location of the model data on your hard drive.


The name of the custom model will appear in the Assets window at the bottom of the screen next to the VRCSDK folder. Double-click the model folder, then double-click the Testscene button that has the Unity icon to open up the model in a scene (if there's no Testscene button, just select the name of the model instead to pull it up).

Underneath the Testscene heading in the Hierarchy window on the left side of the screen, click the name of your model. Next, on the far right side of the screen, switch from the Services tab to the Inspector tab.

A whole bunch of info will appear here that won't make sense at first, but don't worry, we're not using most of that. Now click the Add Component button at the bottom of the options and type 'VR' into the search box to bring up a list of components. Click the check box labeled VRC_Avatar Descriptor, which gives you all the info you need to ensure the model fits VRChat's specifications.

Adding the VRC_Avatar Descriptor component


Make Sure Your Custom Avatar Works Before Publishing

From here, you can technically publish your avatar to VRChat immediately, but you will probably need to make changes. Open the VRChatSDK drop-down menu again and select Show Build Control Panel to get some info to help guide your model. For instance, the yellow triangle prompts may tell you the model has too many polygons, or that the angles between certain bones aren't optimized for the VRChat experience.

This is where you can run into a lot of unexpcted problems, and a full Unity modeling tutorial is simply beyond the scope of this article. For the most part, you can find the options easily for changes, but in some cases you may need to dive into Unity's documentation. Vengeance sample full 38 pack.

If your model is too big, for instance, head over to the Inspector tab again, and change the numbers in the Scale settings to modify the figure (such as putting 0.5 on the X or Y axis to reduce the height or girth of the model by half).

After making any necessary changes, click the Auto Detect button halfway down the Inspector tab to make sure everything is set up how VRChat needs it, then click Build & Publish in the Build Control Panel window. Again, this process is going to take a long time on lower-end machines.

Complete and Upload Your Custom VRChat Avatar

Once the build process is done, the center Game panel of Unity will bring up the New Avatar screen, where you can name your avatar, write a description, and mark any check boxes for violent content.

Create Your Own Furry Avatar

Note that you have to check a box indicating you own the rights to any character you upload. While that won't be a problem if you are using the Unity store, licensing rights can be an issue if you are downloading famous characters like Sonic from another source. Obviously people are ignoring this rule, since you'll see tons of licensed characters in the game, but be aware it may lead to legal problems for VRChat in the future and a potential crackdown on what gets uploaded.

Click Upload to send your snazzy new Avatar to the VRChat world! Now close Unity and open up VRChat. Log in with the same credentials you used to create the avatar, and it will be ready and waiting to use in the game!

Using a custom 3D knight model from the Unity Store

Obviously, 3D model creation is a complex process where you can hit plenty of snags, especially when trying to get a pre-made character to work with VRChat's specifications. For advanced techniques and a list of useful third-party tools to make this process smoother, check out the VRChat Wikia here.

Let us know when you manage to get your custom VRChat avatar built and uploaded so we can check it out in the game!

Free Create Your Own Furry Avatar Simulator

If you're looking for more content on this game, make sure to check out our other VRChat guides! Here are a few to get you started: