Edgar Cayce On Cancer


Edgar Cayce said, “when it is practical outside activities are advisable, of course, as for everyone.” — Edgar Cayce (reading 3497–1, given in 1944) Wherever the body may be more in the open is better. Everyone should stay close to the earth. ( — Edgar Cayce (reading 4007–1, given in 1923) 3) Take time to chew your food. Cayce also recommended using atomidine - which we have not yet done with my mom but it can be purchased online and I plan to give it a try. From widipedia: Atomidine is a liquid iodine preparation that was recommended as a therapeutic measure in over 600 'readings' (channelled writings) by Edgar Cayce. 384 leyland manual. CANCER REPRESENTS A FAILURE OF NATURAL PROCESSES. Edgar Cayce observed that the same processes which result in cancer are present in the body all the time. Cancer usually results from the failure of natural processes such as coagulation and elimination of wastes. CANCER DRAWS FROM THE VITALITY OF THE BODY.

Medical uses of castor oil cover a wide range of conditions, including tumor treatment.

Castor oil helps you get rid of tumors, which refer to swellings or abnormal formations of parasitic cells or tissue in many parts of the body that may or may not be injurious to your health.

Castor oil’s tumor treatment is popularly recognized as a form of folk remedy. Castor oil, a natural plant oil extracted from the castor bean seed, is said to pull out tumors from the body, according to American psychic Edgar Cayce. It is often recommended for the treatment of tumors near the surface.

Aside from reducing or dissolving tumors, castor oil is also regarded as a natural remedy for other swellings in the skin. It can be massaged on bunions, moles, warts, calluses, and cysts. There are also reports that uterine fibroid tumors and ovarian cysts that are benign or non-cancerous may also be addressed by castor oil.

How Does Castor Oil Tumor Treatment Work?

Castor oil primarily contains ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid component that is notable for its many healing benefits for the human body. Ricinoleic acid possesses the ability to draw toxins and other poisonous components out of the tissues, thereby restoring the health of parts of your body that have been infected.

What Is the Method of Using Castor Oil Therapy for Tumor?

Castor oil for treating tumors is done externally through a castor oil pack, which is made by soaking a piece of wool or cotton flannel in high-quality, cold-pressed oil. Castor oil packs are a kind of natural therapy traditionally and frequently used to improve the body’s circulation, elimination and healing processes. They can provide cure for a variety of conditions such as disorders in the lymph, sciatic nerve, and many other ailments.

Edgar Cayce On Cancer

This castor oil pack is placed over the infected area to promote the healing of the tissues underneath the skin. Afterwards, a hot water bottle or any form of heating pad is put all over it. It is recommended that you let the castor oil pack over the tumor for a minimum of one hour up to 3 hours, for 3 to 7 days in a week to treat the condition. This will ensure more visible results.

Check with Your Doctor First Before Using Castor Oil

Edgar cayce on cancer

Should you notice that you have tumor-like conditions in your body, make sure you get a proper diagnosis from your doctor before you seek treatment. Once you know your real condition and if indeed, you find that you have tumors, consult with your doctor first on the possible treatments that are available for you, including the possibility of using castor oil therapy. He or she can recommend the most appropriate treatment for you.

Keep in mind, however, avoiding the use of castor oil for cancerous tumors as it might only aggravate your already serious condition.

Edgar Cayce On Cancer

Check out the next article -> Castor Oil Induction