Edif Netlist File Format

This page has links to all the documentaton resourcesavailable for Yosys.

  1. Pcb Netlist
  2. Edif File Format

The netlist is written in a single file, but includes four sections: 1) A file header, 2) A table listing each of the components, 3) A table listing each of the net names, 4) A table listing each of the net connections.

Electronic Data Interchange Format file. An industry standard file format for specifying a design netlist. Yosys is controlled using synthesis scripts. For example, the following Yosys synthesis script reads a design (with the top module mytop) from the verilog file mydesign.v, synthesizes it to a gate-level netlist using the cell library in the Liberty file mycells.lib and writes the synthesized results as Verilog netlist to synth.v. Complete the schematic as shown in Figure 1. The netlist extractor expands and extracts the netlist of the updated blocks only. Fix the problems in your layout and/or schematic. EDIF (Electronic Design Interchange Format) netlist format. I use my text editor to count these for me. The.EDN is a flattened edif netlist file. From your design entry tool, output the design as EDF, EDIF, SEDIF, PLD, SXNF, XNF, or XTF file. Note that the PLD format is available only for XC7300 and XC9500 device families only.

Yosys Manual

A quick first-steps tutorial can be found in the README file.


The Yosys manual can be downloaded here (PDF).


The best places to ask questions are the Yosys Subreddit, Stack Overflow and#yosys on freenode.The best place to report a bug is on GitHub.

Presentation Slides

This presentation slides cover a wide range of topics related to Yosys. Marvelous designer clo3d 2011 professional v2 9 4 cracked %5behbm%5d. (The LaTeX source is part of the Yosys source distribution. Fell free to adapt the slides as needed.)

Application Notes

Papers and other Publications

  • Clifford Wolf, Johann Glaser. Yosys - A Free Verilog Synthesis Suite.In Proceedings of Austrochip 2013.[download pdf]
  • Johann Glaser and Clifford Wolf. Methodology and Example-Driven InterconnectSynthesis for Designing Heterogeneous Coarse-Grain ReconfigurableArchitectures. In Jan Haase, editor, Models, Methods, and Tools forComplex Chip Design. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Volume 265,2014, pp 201-221. Springer, 2013.[download pdf]
In papers and reports, please refer to Yosys as follows:

Pcb Netlist

Clifford Wolf.Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite. http://www.clifford.at/yosys/, e.g. using thefollowing BibTeX code:

Edif File Format

Command Reference

  • abcuse ABC for technology mapping
  • addadd objects to the design
  • aigmapmap logic to and-inverter-graph circuit
  • alumaccextract ALU and MACC cells
  • anlogic_determine_initAnlogic: Determine the init value of cells
  • anlogic_eqnAnlogic: Calculate equations for luts
  • assertpmuxadds asserts for parallel muxes
  • async2syncconvert async FF inputs to sync circuits
  • attrmaprenaming attributes
  • attrmvcpmove or copy attributes from wires to driving cells
  • blackboxconvert modules into blackbox modules
  • bugpointminimize testcases
  • cda shortcut for 'select -module <name>'
  • checkcheck for obvious problems in the design
  • chformalchange formal constraints of the design
  • chparamre-evaluate modules with new parameters
  • chtypechange type of cells in the design
  • cleanremove unused cells and wires
  • clk2fflogicconvert clocked FFs to generic $ff cells
  • connectcreate or remove connections
  • connwrappersmatch width of input-output port pairs
  • coolrunner2_sopbreak $sop cells into ANDTERM/ORTERM cells
  • copycopy modules in the design
  • coverprint code coverage counters
  • cutpointadds formal cut points to the design
  • debugrun command with debug log messages enabled
  • deletedelete objects in the design
  • deminoutdemote inout ports to input or output
  • designsave, restore and reset current design
  • determine_initDetermine the init value of cells
  • dff2dffetransform $dff cells to $dffe cells
  • dff2dffsprocess sync set/reset with SR over CE priority
  • dffinitset INIT param on FF cells
  • dfflibmaptechnology mapping of flip-flops
  • dffsr2dffconvert DFFSR cells to simpler FF cell types
  • dumpprint parts of the design in ilang format
  • echoturning echoing back of commands on and off
  • ecp5_ffinitECP5: handle FF init values
  • edgetypeslist all types of edges in selection
  • equiv_addadd a $equiv cell
  • equiv_inductproving $equiv cells using temporal induction
  • equiv_makeprepare a circuit for equivalence checking
  • equiv_markmark equivalence checking regions
  • equiv_miterextract miter from equiv circuit
  • equiv_optprove equivalence for optimized circuit
  • equiv_purgepurge equivalence checking module
  • equiv_removeremove $equiv cells
  • equiv_simpletry proving simple $equiv instances
  • equiv_statusprint status of equivalent checking module
  • equiv_structstructural equivalence checking
  • evalevaluate the circuit given an input
  • exposeconvert internal signals to module ports
  • extractfind subcircuits and replace them with cells
  • extract_counterExtract GreenPak4 counter cells
  • extract_fafind and extract full/half adders
  • extract_reduceconverts gate chains into $reduce_* cells
  • flattenflatten design
  • flowmappack LUTs with FlowMap
  • fmcombinecombine two instances of a cell into one
  • freduceperform functional reduction
  • fsmextract and optimize finite state machines
  • fsm_detectfinding FSMs in design
  • fsm_expandexpand FSM cells by merging logic into it
  • fsm_exportexporting FSMs to KISS2 files
  • fsm_extractextracting FSMs in design
  • fsm_infoprint information on finite state machines
  • fsm_mapmapping FSMs to basic logic
  • fsm_optoptimize finite state machines
  • fsm_recoderecoding finite state machines
  • greenpak4_dffinvmerge greenpak4 inverters and DFF/latches
  • helpdisplay help messages
  • hierarchycheck, expand and clean up design hierarchy
  • hilomaptechnology mapping of constant hi- and/or lo-drivers
  • historyshow last interactive commands
  • ice40_braminitiCE40: perform SB_RAM40_4K initialization from file
  • ice40_dspiCE40: map multipliers
  • ice40_ffinitiCE40: handle FF init values
  • ice40_ffssriCE40: merge synchronous set/reset into FF cells
  • ice40_optiCE40: perform simple optimizations
  • ice40_unlutiCE40: transform SB_LUT4 cells to $lut cells
  • insbufinsert buffer cells for connected wires
  • iopadmaptechnology mapping of i/o pads (or buffers)
  • jsonwrite design in JSON format
  • logprint text and log files
  • lslist modules or objects in modules
  • ltpprint longest topological path
  • lut2muxconvert $lut to $_MUX_
  • maccmapmapping macc cells
  • memorytranslate memories to basic cells
  • memory_brammap memories to block rams
  • memory_collectcreating multi-port memory cells
  • memory_dffmerge input/output DFFs into memories
  • memory_maptranslate multiport memories to basic cells
  • memory_memxemulate vlog sim behavior for mem ports
  • memory_nordffextract read port FFs from memories
  • memory_shareconsolidate memory ports
  • memory_unpackunpack multi-port memory cells
  • miterautomatically create a miter circuit
  • mutategenerate or apply design mutations
  • muxcovercover trees of MUX cells with wider MUXes
  • muxpack$mux/$pmux cascades to $pmux
  • nlutmapmap to LUTs of different sizes
  • onehotoptimize $eq cells for onehot signals
  • optperform simple optimizations
  • opt_cleanremove unused cells and wires
  • opt_demorganOptimize reductions with DeMorgan equivalents
  • opt_exprperform const folding and simple expression rewriting
  • opt_lutoptimize LUT cells
  • opt_mergeconsolidate identical cells
  • opt_muxtreeeliminate dead trees in multiplexer trees
  • opt_reducesimplify large MUXes and AND/OR gates
  • opt_rmdffremove DFFs with constant inputs
  • peepoptcollection of peephole optimizers
  • pluginload and list loaded plugins
  • pmux2shiftxtransform $pmux cells to $shiftx cells
  • pmuxtreetransform $pmux cells to trees of $mux cells
  • prepgeneric synthesis script
  • proctranslate processes to netlists
  • proc_arstdetect asynchronous resets
  • proc_cleanremove empty parts of processes
  • proc_dffextract flip-flops from processes
  • proc_dlatchextract latches from processes
  • proc_initconvert initial block to init attributes
  • proc_muxconvert decision trees to multiplexers
  • proc_rmdeadeliminate dead trees in decision trees
  • qwpquadratic wirelength placer
  • readload HDL designs
  • read_aigerread AIGER file
  • read_blifread BLIF file
  • read_ilangread modules from ilang file
  • read_jsonread JSON file
  • read_libertyread cells from liberty file
  • read_verilogread modules from Verilog file
  • renamerename object in the design
  • rmportsremove module ports with no connections
  • satsolve a SAT problem in the circuit
  • scatteradd additional intermediate nets
  • sccdetect strongly connected components (logic loops)
  • scriptexecute commands from script file
  • selectmodify and view the list of selected objects
  • setattrset/unset attributes on objects
  • setparamset/unset parameters on objects
  • setundefreplace undef values with defined constants
  • sf2_iobsSF2: insert IO buffers
  • shareperform sat-based resource sharing
  • shellenter interactive command mode
  • showgenerate schematics using graphviz
  • shregmapmap shift registers
  • simsimulate the circuit
  • simplemapmapping simple coarse-grain cells
  • splicecreate explicit splicing cells
  • splitnetssplit up multi-bit nets
  • statprint some statistics
  • submodmoving part of a module to a new submodule
  • supercoveradd hi/lo cover cells for each wire bit
  • synthgeneric synthesis script
  • synth_achronixsynthesis for Acrhonix Speedster22i FPGAs.
  • synth_anlogicsynthesis for Anlogic FPGAs
  • synth_coolrunner2synthesis for Xilinx Coolrunner-II CPLDs
  • synth_easicsynthesis for eASIC platform
  • synth_ecp5synthesis for ECP5 FPGAs
  • synth_gowinsynthesis for Gowin FPGAs
  • synth_greenpak4synthesis for GreenPAK4 FPGAs
  • synth_ice40synthesis for iCE40 FPGAs
  • synth_intelsynthesis for Intel (Altera) FPGAs.
  • synth_sf2synthesis for SmartFusion2 and IGLOO2 FPGAs
  • synth_xilinxsynthesis for Xilinx FPGAs
  • tclexecute a TCL script file
  • techmapgeneric technology mapper
  • teeredirect command output to file
  • test_abcloopautomatically test handling of loops in abc command
  • test_autotbgenerate simple test benches
  • test_cellautomatically test the implementation of a cell type
  • torderprint cells in topological order
  • traceredirect command output to file
  • tribufinfer tri-state buffers
  • uniquifycreate unique copies of modules
  • verificload Verilog and VHDL designs using Verific
  • verilog_defaultsset default options for read_verilog
  • verilog_definesdefine and undefine verilog defines
  • wbflipflip the whitebox attribute
  • wreducereduce the word size of operations if possible
  • write_aigerwrite design to AIGER file
  • write_blifwrite design to BLIF file
  • write_btorwrite design to BTOR file
  • write_edifwrite design to EDIF netlist file
  • write_filewrite a text to a file
  • write_firrtlwrite design to a FIRRTL file
  • write_ilangwrite design to ilang file
  • write_intersynthwrite design to InterSynth netlist file
  • write_jsonwrite design to a JSON file
  • write_simplecconvert design to simple C code
  • write_smt2write design to SMT-LIBv2 file
  • write_smvwrite design to SMV file
  • write_spicewrite design to SPICE netlist file
  • write_tablewrite design as connectivity table
  • write_verilogwrite design to Verilog file
  • zinitadd inverters so all FF are zero-initialized