Guru Granth Sahib Pdf Gurmukhi

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pauVI ] (1096-1)

quDu rUpu n ryiKAw jwiq qU vrnw bwhrw ] (1096-1)
tuDh roop na raykh-i-aa jaattoo varnaa baahraa.
You have no form or shape, no social class or race.

ey mwxs jwxih dUir qU vrqih jwhrw ] (1096-1)
ay maanas jaaneh door too varteh jaahraa.
These humans believe that You are far away; but You are quite obviously apparent.

qU siB Gt Bogih Awip quDu lypu n lwhrw ] (1096-2)
too sabhghat bhogeh aap tuDh layp na laahraa.
You enjoy Yourself in every heart, and no filth sticks to You.

qU purKu AnµdI Anµq sB joiq smwhrw ] (1096-2)
too purakh anandee anant sabh jot samaaharaa.
You are the blissful and infinite Primal Lord God; Your Light is all-pervading.

qU sB dyvw mih dyv ibDwqy nrhrw ] (1096-3)
too sabhdayvaa meh dayv biDhaatay narharaa.
Among all divine beings, You are the most divine, O Creator-architect, Rejuvenator of all.

ikAw AwrwDy ijhvw iek qU AibnwsI Aprprw ] (1096-3)
ki-aa aaraaDhay jihvaa ik too abhinaasee aparparaa.
How can my single tongue worship and adore You? You are the eternal, imperishable, infinite Lord God.

ijsu mylih siqguru Awip iqs ky siB kul qrw ] (1096-3)
jis mayleh satgur aap tis kay sabh kul taraa.
One whom You Yourself unite with the True Guru - all his generations are saved.

syvk siB krdy syv dir nwnku jnu qyrw ]5] (1096-4)
sayvak sabh karday sayv dar naanak jan tayraa. ||5||
All Your servants serve You; Nanak is a humble servant at Your Door. ||5||

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fKxy mÚ 5 ] (1096-5)
dakh-nay mehlaa 5.
Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl:

ghfVVw iqRix CwieAw gwPl jilEhu Bwih ] (1096-5)
gehdrharhaa tarinchhaa-i-aa gaafal jali-ohu bhaahi.
He builds a hut of straw, and the fool lights a fire in it.

ijnw Bwg mQwhVY iqn ausqwd pnwih ]1] (1096-5)
jinaa bhaag mathaaharhai tin ustaad panaahi. ||1||
Only those who have such pre-ordained destiny on their foreheads, find Shelter with the Master. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (1096-6)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:


nwnk pITw pkw swijAw DirAw Awix maujUdu ] (1096-6)
naanak peethaa pakaa saaji-aa Dhari-aa aan ma-ujood.
O Nanak, he grinds the corn, cooks it and places it before himself.

bwJhu siqgur Awpxy bYTw Jwku drUd ]2] (1096-6)
baajhahu satgur aapnay baithaa jhaak darood. ||2||
But without his True Guru, he sits and waits for his food to be blessed. ||2||

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mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

Guru Granth Sahib Pdf Gurmukhi

nwnk BusrIAw pkweIAw pweIAw QwlY mwih ] (1096-7)
naanak bhusree-aa pakaa-ee-aa paa-ee-aa thaalai maahi.
O Nanak, the loaves of bread are baked and placed on the plate.

ijnI gurU mnwieAw rij rij syeI Kwih ]3] (1096-7)
jinee guroo manaa-i-aa raj raj say-ee khaahi. ||3||
Those who obey their Guru, eat and are totally satisfied. ||3||

pauVI ] (1096-8)

quDu jg mih Kylu rcwieAw ivic haumY pweIAw ] (1096-8)
tuDh jag meh khayl rachaa-i-aa vich ha-umai paa-ee-aa.
You have staged this play in the world, and infused egotism into all beings.

eyku mMdru pMc cor hih inq krih buirAweIAw ] (1096-8)
ayk mandar panch chor heh nit karahi buri-aa-ee-aa.
In the one temple of the body are the five thieves, who continually misbehave.

ds nwrI ieku purKu kir dsy swid luoBweIAw ] (1096-9)
das naaree ik purakh kar dasay saad lobhaa-ee-aa.
The ten brides, the sensory organs were created, and the one husband, the self; the ten are engrossed in flavors and tastes.


eyin mwieAw mohxI mohIAw inq iPrih BrmweIAw ] (1096-9)
ayn maa-i-aa mohnee mohee-aa nit fireh bharmaa-ee-aa.
This Maya fascinates and entices them; they wander continually in doubt.

hwTw dovY kIqIE isv skiq vrqweIAw ] (1096-10)
haathaa dovai keetee-o siv sakat vartaa-ee-aa.
You created both sides, spirit and matter, Shiva and Shakti.

isv AgY skqI hwirAw eyvY hir BweIAw ] (1096-10)
siv agai saktee haari-aa ayvai har bhaa-ee-aa.
Matter loses out to spirit; this is pleasing to the Lord.

ieik ivchu hI quDu riKAw jo sqsMig imlweIAw ] (1096-11)
ik vichahu hee tuDh rakhi-aa jo satsang milaa-ee-aa.
You enshrined spirit within, which leads to merger with the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

Guru granth sahib pdf gurmukhi

jl ivchu ibMbu auTwilE jl mwih smweIAw ]6] (1096-11)
jal vichahu bimb uthaali-o jal maahi samaa-ee-aa. ||6||
Within the bubble, You formed the bubble, which shall once again merge into the water. ||6||

fKxy mÚ 5 ] (1096-12)
dakh-nay mehlaa 5.
Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl:

Awgwhw kU qRwiG ipCw Pyir n muhfVw ] (1096-12)
aagaahaa koo taraagh pichhaa fayr na muhadrhaa.
Look ahead; don't turn your face backwards.

nwnk isiJ ievyhw vwr bhuiV n hovI jnmVw ]1] (1096-13)
naanak sijh ivayhaa vaar bahurh na hovee janamrhaa. ||1||
O Nanak, be successful this time, and you shall not be reincarnated again. ||1||

mÚ 5 ] (1096-13)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

sjxu mYfw cweIAw hB khI dw imqu ] (1096-13)
sajan maidaa chaa-ee-aa habh kahee daa mit.
My joyful friend is called the friend of all.

hBy jwxin Awpxw khI n Twhy icqu ]2] (1096-14)
habhay jaanan aapnaa kahee na thaahay chit. ||2||
All think of Him as their own; He never breaks anyone's heart. ||2||

mÚ 5 ] (1096-14)
mehlaa 5.
Fifth Mehl:

guJVw lDmu lwlu mQY hI prgtu iQAw ] (1096-14)
gujh-rhaa laDham laal mathai hee pargat thi-aa.
The hidden jewel has been found; it has appeared on my forehead.

soeI suhwvw Qwnu ijQY iprIey nwnk jI qU vuiTAw ]3] (1096-15)
so-ee suhaavaa thaan jithai piree-ay naanak jee too vuthi-aa. ||3||
Beautiful and exalted is that place, O Nanak, where You dwell, O my Dear Lord. ||3||

pauVI ] (1096-15)

jw qU myrY vil hY qw ikAw muhCMdw ] (1096-15)
jaa too mayrai val hai taa ki-aa muhchhandaa.
When You are on my side, Lord, what do I need to worry about?

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tuDh sabh kichh maino sa-upi-aa jaa tayraa bandaa.
You entrusted everything to me, when I became Your slave.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Pdf

lKmI qoit n AwveI Kwie Kric rhMdw ] (1096-16)
lakhmee tot na aavee khaa-ay kharach rahandaa.
My wealth is inexhaustible, no matter how much I spend and consume.

lK caurwsIh mydnI sB syv krMdw ] (1096-17)
lakh cha-oraaseeh maydnee sabh sayv karandaa.
The 8.4 million species of beings all work to serve me.

eyh vYrI imqR siB kIiqAw nh mMgih mMdw ] (1096-17)
ayh vairee mitar sabh keeti-aa nah mangeh mandaa.
All these enemies have become my friends, and no one wishes me ill.

lyKw koie n puCeI jw hir bKsMdw ] (1096-17)
laykhaa ko-ay na puchh-ee jaa har bhakhsandaa.
No one calls me to account, since God is my forgiver.

Anµdu BieAw suKu pwieAw imil gur goivMdw ] (1096-18)
anand bha-i-aa sukh paa-i-aa mil gur govindaa.
I have become blissful, and I have found peace, meeting with the Guru, the Lord of the Universe.

Guru Granth Sahib Pdf Gurmukhi

sBy kwj svwirAY jw quDu BwvMdw ]7] (1096-18)
sabhay kaaj savaari-ai jaa tuDhbhaavandaa. ||7||
All my affairs have been resolved, since You are pleased with me. ||7||

Guru Granth Sahib Gurmukhi Pdf

fKxy mÚ 5 ] (1096-19)
dakh-nay mehlaa 5.
Dakhanay, Fifth Mehl:

fyKx kU musqwku muKu ikjyhw qau DxI ] (1096-19)
daykhan koo mustaak mukh kijayhaa ta-o Dhanee.
I am so eager to see You, O Lord; what does Your face look like?

Guru Granth Sahib Pdf

iPrdw ikqY hwil jw ifTmu qw mnu DRwipAw ]1] (1096-19)
firdaa kitai haal jaa ditham taa man Dharaapi-aa. ||1||
I wandered around in such a miserable state, but when I saw You, my mind was comforted and consoled. ||1||