Latency Checker

Latency is the amount of time it takes for a computer or application to respond to your request. The less time it takes the better. This is a test where you want to score low and there's a theoretical limit to how low you can go. Meaning the response was instant. Absolute zero is impossible on this test. Latency is the time it takes a piece of data to travel from your computer to the testing network and back. It is especially important for applications such as gaming, where you want to be as up-to-date as possible.

Ram Cas Latency Checker

DPC Latency Checker is a tiny and portable application that monitors computer activity and verifies if it is able to handle real-time streaming of audio and video data without interruptions. Amazon Web Services and AWS are trademarks of, Inc. Or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. This is not an official AWS project.

Test Your Latency Speed With Our Latency Test Tool

Latency Test: You trying to figure out the accurate Latency Speed? Our Latency test tool can help you. Get an exact idea of your latency speed by performing a latency test. A lot of us have actually been familiar with the term latency when it comes to our internet connection issues but we hardly know what latency is actually? Network latency, in general, refers to the delay caused in the data communication that takes place over the network. Latency in an internet connection is measured in milliseconds and during latency speed tests it is usually referred to as the ping speed.

Latency can be both high and low i.e. short delay in the network connections is referred to as low-latency network while high-latency networks are the connections that experience longer delays. As far as possible, It is important to keep the network latency nearly to 0 in order to avoid any kind of obstruction in the network connection. High Latency in a network connection stops the data from taking any advantage of the network pipe thereby significantly reducing the communication bandwidth. The effect of latency on the network bandwidth can last longer or can also be temporary depending on the source of delays. Latency can be both high and low i.e. short delay in the network connections is referred to as low-latency network while high-latency networks are the connections that experience longer delays. As far as possible, It is important to keep the network latency nearly to 0 in order to avoid any kind of obstruction in the network connection.

Latency Checker

Latency is the amount of time it takes for a computer or application to respond to your request. The less time it takes the better. This is a test where you want to score low and there's a theoretical limit to how low you can go. Zero. Meaning the response was instant. Absolute zero is impossible on this test.


Transmission Control Protocol or TCP is how you're able to see this page right now. The vast majority of your internet communication traverses this reliable, ordered and error-checked delivery of a stream of bytes.

a.k.a. TestMy Latency is not the average ICMP ping you get from your command line. TestMy Latency runs on the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (layer 4 - transport) where as normal ping runs on ICMP (layer 3 - network). ICMP is not used to exchange data between systems and has no way of interacting or detecting issues with the layers above it (layers 4 through 7). Your average command line ping simply can't give a full picture of what's happening on layer 4. TestMy Latency is different and tests at the transport layer.

“TCP Segment drops manifest as large increases in delay”

Read this latency test case study posted at on the difference between ICMP ping and TCP ping.

TL;DR TCP has more speed bumps

TestMy Latency is more sensitive than your typical ICMP ping for real connection issues. But both are complimentary to each other. ICMP will show you the best case, TestMy Latency (using TCP) isn't as forgiving. Even running this latency test on great computers with great networks shows that TCP isn't perfect. Don't expect a perfect score. But better computers on better networks always fair much better. Exactly what we like to test here. You can ping the servers from your command line at the same time you're testing to get a comparison. Because there is less to go wrong at the layer ping runs on you can expect a lower result from your command line. Think of it this way, TestMy Latency tests beyond normal ping so there are more variables that can affect the result. Equals higher result.

Speedtest with jitter and latency

Latency Test

Hack TestMy Latency

Test using TestMy Latency on your own network. Host any http server, put this file under the folder /b/img/ then call TestMy Latency with the following URL:[server-address] (e.g. . This tool was first developed running on LAN to eliminate variables. It may be just as useful and helpful validation for your own testing to try a LAN test yourself.

Latency Checker Online

Try different domains. A large majority of popular domains already work with TestMy Latency. Use this syntax[] (e.g.

Latency Checker Windows 10

The Future of the Internet is low latency

Lower latency is ultra important, not just your transfer speed. With Starlink Satellite Constellation and the advent of 5G this tool will provide you with a way to test and compare your new found lower latency. Always keep in your mind.

Network Latency Checker

* Note: Read into the newer 4 Layer Internet Model which puts ICMP on layer 2 and TCP on layer 3.
* Also see Don’t use ping [ICMP] for accurate delay measurements by Olivier Bonaventure author of Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice