Andy Warhol App


Andy Warhol style ipad art

These examples were very well done ipad /digital art in the style of Andy Warhol made by Year 3-4 students. We used the Brushes Redux free app on ipads.

In the 2015 BBC Four documentary A Day in the Life of Andy Warhol, BBC correspondent Stephen Smith explained that Warhol’s love for the soup went beyond the aesthetics of the can; he saw it as “the food of life,” Smith said, “a square meal you could depend on.” And Warhol did, regularly. Warhol's religiosity is most exemplified by the late works that he created based on Leonardo Da Vinci's The Last Supper (1495–1498). Warhol based his works on a black and white photograph of a popular 19 th century engraving and ended up producing over a hundred drawings, paintings, and silkscreens of the Renaissance masterpiece.

  • Andy Warhol (born Andrew Warhola) was an artist, film director, and producer who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, advertising, and celebrity culture that flourished by the 1960s, and span a variety of media, including painting, silkscreening, photography, film, and sculpture. 1 Biography 2 Film 3.
  • In Andy Warhol Found. For the Visual Arts, Inc. Goldsmith, 2021 U.S. LEXIS 8806 (March 26, 2021), the Second Circuit reversed the SDNY’s grant of summary judgment that Andy Warhol’s silk screen adaptation of a photographic portrait of entertainer Prince was a fair use. The Second Circuit’s decision retreats both from its prior.

Firstly students choose an everyday popular food item, and save a screen shot on their ipad camera roll. When you open the Brushes App you begin by clicking the + icon in the top right to create a “new painting” by choosing the appropriate size and orientation (portrait or landscape) I always tell them to choose the largest size as it’s easiest to work on.

Click the image/photo icon in the middle right to choose a photo from the camera roll. The image can be “pinched out” to make it fit the size of the “painting”. Click “Accept”

Separate layers are used to trace and then colour the image. You have to make sure the layer you are drawing on is highlighted in blue. The outline layer can be dragged to on top of the colouring in layer (as in the examples where different colours are used for the item as seen in the Twirl bar and below in the Crunchie bar and Dairy Milk chocolate bar.

Andy Warhol Appropriation Art

Next I added 4 different coloured backgrounds on 4 separate layers. If the whole jar was coloured in, including the white areas, I could have just used the setting “Fill Layer” but that would show through on the areas I left uncoloured.

Andy Warhol Appropriation Art

The following work are by students in Year 3 & 4: